Moving House Checklist

Everything you need to remember when moving home in one big helpful checklist!

1. Planning your house move.

You’ve made the decision to move !

1 - Planning Your Move

2. The purchase or lease of your new home is completed and a move date has been agreed.

Two months before your move

2 - Two months before you move

3. Start packing preparation and notify utility companies.

One month before your move

3 - One month before you move

Download your own moving house checklist

Click the button below to download your FREE printable PDF and Excel checklist and keep track of all your tasks, even when you are offline!

Moving house checklist

4. Start packing and confirm important details.

Two weeks before you move

4 - Two weeks before you move

5. Remaining things to do.

One week before you move

5 - One week before you move

6. Final things to do as you prepare to move.

Three days before you move

6 - Three days before you move

7. Important things to do at your (soon to be) old home.

It’s moving day!

Moving day!

8. At your new home.

Phew! Almost there 🙂

Moving day - Part 2

Download your own moving house checklist

Click the button below to download your free printable PDF and Excel checklist and keep track of all your tasks, even when you are offline!

Moving house checklist

Free Move Estimate

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